Terms and Conditions
You must read and agree to these terms and conditions to use this site. If you disagree with ANY of these terms, then please exit the website immediately. If this page is bypassed by a user of this website, these terms and conditions remain in effect. This website features altered (fake) pictures that feature famous people in sexual and adult-oriented situations. Anyone who is under 18 years old, or is not allowed to view adult-oriented media, or wishes to use this material in any way against the owner/host of this website, or wishes to further reproduce/distribute any content found on this website, is not permitted to view any other pages on this website, and must leave immediately. The original pictures, which these fake pictures were derived from, feature consenting adults and were taken in a location where the acts they are performing are legal. If any of these acts could be considered a breach of a local law, regulation, or rule, then please leave immediately and do not view any other pages of this site, as the pictures on this site may breach those policies. Any media which is purchased or downloaded from this website or any other website linked to or from this website, becomes the sole responsibility of the downloader, and any damages caused by the misuse of the downloaded content is the sole responsibility of the downloader, and not that of Naked Celeb Gallery. Every picture on this website is considered an artistic parody, and must never be used to harass, disturb, or embarrass anyone, celebrity or otherwise. All material downloaded from this site or through the store must be kept personal, and can never be shared with anyone else. Any material that is shared becomes the sole responsibility of the sharer, and not of Naked Celeb Gallery.Disclaimer
This website has no affiliation with any celebrities. Every picture on this website is a fake. These pictures are a digital parody of certain celebrities, and should never be confused as real. If a trademarked or copyrighted photo is hosted by Naked Celeb Gallery, then follow the procedure outlined in the Copyright section, below. All of these pictures were obtained for free, and thus, are hosted on this website for free. Every picture hosted by this website has been found on public websites, where they were hosted previous to being hosted here. These pictures are now hosted here in an attempt to catalog as many of these pictures as possible, so users can find these pictures in one place, and have a wider audience for the artist’s work. Naked Celeb Gallery is not responsible for the content of any website which is linked to/from this website. Any other site which is linked to has a terms of service of their own which must be agreed to before continuing further onto their website. The owner of said website is responsible for the content of their website, and is not the responsibility of Naked Celeb Gallery. Any revenue which is accumulated from the ads on this website is used to pay for the domain name, upkeep, and programming fees which have occurred in the creation and ongoing maintenance of this website. Naked Celeb Gallery reserves the right to change anything, from pages to content, at any time. Naked Celeb Gallery is not responsible for the loss of business, internet traffic, or money due to the content of this website, and any website which is linked to on one of our pages. These rules apply in unison with local laws.Copyright – Fair Usage
If you believe one of your trademarked or copyrighted materials is wrongly hosted on this website, you must contact us (see contact page) with the appropriate information, which is listed below. Be aware that you will be liable for any damages caused if you misrepresent material as infringing your copyrights. If you are unsure if something infringes your copyrights, then it is advised that you see a lawyer/attorney prior to contacting Naked Celeb Gallery. You cannot copyright a fake picture unless you have drawn the whole thing yourself, or you have obtained permission to use all of the content in the picture. Without this, you do not have control over what is done with your fake after it is released. If you still believe that content on this website infringes your copyright, then please send us a DMCA takedown notice using the following format: 1) Identify with sufficient detail the content that you believe infringes your copyrights (including the name of the picture and the link to it), or any other information that would specify the content being infringed. 2) Identify the material that you believe is infringing the copyrighted work, listed in section 1, above. 3) Provide an email address where you can be contacted. 4) Include the following statement “I have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted materials described above as allegedly infringing is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law” and the statement, “I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in the notification is accurate and that I am the copyright owner or am authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.”
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